By downloading and/or using any material you agree to the terms of use outlined in this document, and the copyright law applicable in your country. Digital BluePrint is not responsible to any individual, organization, or business for any loss and/or damages incurred from the use of the digital designs, kits, elements, and associated material.
Digital BluePrint DOs and DONTs:
DO alter any graphics with respect to color, size, or by adding to or removing from them. Credit is not required but always appreciated.
DO create a layout, design, or product using any or all parts of the digital design for your own personal use and enjoyment or for others with or without compensation, monetary or otherwise. But DO flatten any layout, design, or product created for others.
DO NOT use any or all parts of the digital design to create obscene, defamatory or immoral works, or for any other purpose prohibited by law.
DO NOT redistribute any file in its original form by any means, either for or without payment. This includes but is not limited to sending links or files to individuals or groups by email or instant messenger, uploading files to another group or site, or creating compilation CDs and/or DVDs. If someone is interested in these digital designs then please direct them to the Digital BluePrint blog so they may download the files themselves.
Digital BluePrint retains the right to alter these terms of use or revoke usage rights at any time. Please notify Digital BluePrint of any breaches of these terms. Comments, questions, and/or suggestions may be sent to
Say No to digital piracy.
2009 Copyright Digital BluePrint by